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City Calendar

Displaying 10 results
  • Monday

    May 8

    • Qi Gong


      Seniors, come learn this movement practice from Chinese breath and martial arts traditions. This class is virtual.

    • Cultura Latina

      Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Seniors, this group will explore and celebrate traditions of our culture. Group meets in-person.

    • Dancing For Balance

      North Cambridge Senior Center, 2050 Mass. Ave,, Cambridge, MA 02140

      Seniors, learn basic steps and movements aimed at improving balance. This class is Hybrid.

    • Senior Arts / Watercolors


      Seniors, this virtual drawing and painting class is beginner friendly. This Class is FULL.

    • Gentle Mat Yoga


      Seniors, in this gentle class, we practice the basic elements of yoga. This class is virtual.

    • DHSP Afterschool Programs Lottery Application Assistance

      51 Inman St, 3rd floor, Cambridge

      We are offering in-person assistance for families who would like help applying for the Afterschool Programs Lottery.

    • Regular City Council Meeting

      City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Regular City Council

    • Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District Commission


      Notice is hereby given that the Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM to consider the following matter under Ch. 2.78, Article III of the City Code and the Order establishing the Commission. Due to COVID-19, the public meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. The public can participate online via the Zoom webinar platform (https://zoom.us/) from a phone, tablet, or computer. To join the meeting, use the registration link before or during the meeting: https://tinyurl.com/HCMmay2023 or call (301)715-8592. Webinar ID: 862 6368 7512.. If you have questions, please contact us at histcomm@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4683.

    • May Water Treatment Plant Tour 2023

      Walter J. Sullivan Water Treatment Facility, 250 Fresh Pond Pkwy., Cambridge, MA 02138

      Tours of the Cambridge Water Department are open and free to the public, held April through November

    • Senior Line Dancing

      Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Seniors, come join this easy to learn dance class. This class is Hybrid.

May 2023
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM
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