Displaying 11 results
10:00 AM
Board of Assessors Public Meeting
10:00 AM
Seniors, join this energetic and festive virtual class.
11:00 AM
Seniors, this class is designed to exercise at one’s own pace. This class is virtual.
12:00 PM
Seniors, this is a basic yoga class. A chair is used for seated and standing support. This class is virtual.
1:30 PM
Strengthening exercises using hand weights or Thera bands for resistance. This class is virtual.
2:00 PM
Cambridge Human Rights Commission (CHRC) will conduct an information session that addresses discrimination in appraisals and lending.
5:30 PM
Regular Meeting of the Bicycle Committee.
5:30 PM
Department of Public Works, Main Conference Room, 147 Hampshire St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Monthly meeting with the Committee on Public Planting Meeting
5:30 PM
Regular Board Meeting of the Cambridge Housing Authority
5:30 PM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
Join us in celebrating Cambridge graduates of certificates, associate's, or bachelor's degree programs.
6:00 PM
2nd Floor Conference Room, 51 Inman St., Cambridge, MA 02139
Monthly meeting of the Peace Commission for June 2023
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM