Displaying 6 results
8:00 AM
Danehy Park (basketball courts near St. Peter's Field)
161 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
This is for the Healthy Aging Group Ride series.
12:00 PM
City Hall Annex, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 344 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
The Cambridge BlocPower Pilot is a one-year pilot partnership designed to help multifamily buildings upgrade with energy efficiency, rooftop solar, and more comfortable, all-electric heating, cooling, and hot water systems. Multifamily building owners can also now leverage support from $800,000 in new subsidies when they complete such projects, made possible through an innovative partnership between the City of Cambridge, BlocPower, and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. This event is an informational meeting for building owners to learn more about the opportunity, and it is intended for multifamily buildings of 5 or more units.
12:00 PM
This is a public meeting to learn about Cambridge's draft Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Update and share your thoughts about it. You may attend one or both HMP public meetings happening on September 13. Public meeting 2 is virtual only. Public meeting 3 is hybrid. The content and agenda for both meetings is identical. The purpose of having two meetings is to provide additional options to participate. You will not be missing anything by attending only one of the meetings.
5:30 PM
Regular meeting of the Bicycle Committee.
6:00 PM
Citywide Senior Center, 806 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
This is a public meeting to learn about Cambridge's draft Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) Update and share your thoughts about it. You may attend one or both HMP public meetings happening on September 13. Public meeting 2 is virtual only. Public meeting 3 is hybrid. The content and agenda for both meetings is identical. The purpose of having two meetings is to provide additional options to participate. You will not be missing anything by attending only one of the meetings.
7:00 PM
Our second community meeting for the Wellington-Harrington Neighborhood Action Plan. Join us to hear the latest updates and discuss with neighbors what goals and recommendations we should prioritize in the plan.
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM