Displaying 11 results
9:00 AM
City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139
The Finance Committee
9:30 AM
Community Learning Center (Central Square) 5 Western Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
Sign up for the Community Learning Center's English (ESOL) classes and take a placement test.
11:00 AM
The ninth meeting of the Port Infrastructure Project Working Group.
11:30 AM
Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139
Learn basic Tai Chi principles with the gentle, slow repetitive movements of Chi Kung. Over time, this may increase balance, and encourages you to allow your body to move in a relaxed way.
11:30 AM
North Cambridge Senior Center 2050 Mass Ave Cambridge, MA 02140
This one hour, in-person class teaches you how to use resistance bands in variations of yoga poses and non-traditional movements! Build strength in an interesting, innovative way!
1:00 PM
Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139
Staff will be available to answer common questions about your wireless devices, laptops, and applications such as Zoom and Facebook.
Please call to register for an appointment.
4:00 PM
Community Solar Information Session
6:00 PM
Monthly meeting of the Citizens' Committee on Civic Unity Meeting for May 2024
6:00 PM
Community Learning Center (Central Square) 5 Western Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
Learn about the Communtiy Learning Center's Reading/Writing, Math and Science classes for adults and take a placement test.
6:00 PM
Henrietta S. Attles Meeting Room, 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Regular Meeting of the School Committee
6:30 PM
City of Cambridge Planning Board Meeting
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM