On Friday, June 21, the Cambridge Community Learning Center (CLC) hosted its annual graduation ceremony to celebrate 90 adult students who completed CLC programs during the 2023-2024 academic year. CLC staff, teachers, and volunteers joined friends and families of graduates to recognize the accomplishments of:
- 30 graduates from the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program for English Language Learners, a job training program that prepares participants for careers in health care through hands-on clinical experience combined with classes to improve their English and math skills.
- 26 graduates from the English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program, which offers six levels of English classes.
- 11 graduates from the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program for Fluent English Speakers, a job training program that prepares participants for careers in health care through hands-on clinical experience.
- 9 graduates from the Bridge to College program, which prepares students to succeed in college-level courses by improving their writing, math, and academic reading skills; and supports students in applying for college, financial aid, and scholarships.
- 8 graduates from the Early Childhood Education Career Training program, which includes early childhood coursework and a paid internship at a Cambridge preschool. The program prepares participants to receive the Child Development Association (CDA) credential and provides career planning support.
- 6 graduates from CLC’s High School Equivalency Credential Program, which offers four levels of math and reading to prepare students to take high school equivalency (HiSET and GED) exams.
In addition, 13 CLC students became U.S. citizens during the school year with support from CLC staff in preparing for their citizenship tests.
Celebratory remarks were made by CLC Director Maria Kefallinou and Vice Mayor Marc McGovern. City Manager Yi-An Huang shared a video message with the graduates. A graduate representing each program spoke about their experience at the CLC.
Joanna Jimenez, the graduate speaker for the High School Equivalency Credential Program, spoke about her educational journey. “For a long time, my identity was encapsulated by just being Joanna with the 8 kids... I always had a deep regret of not finishing school and not going off to college,” she reflected. “Over the years I did my best to attend school at CLC... [and now] I was able to pass the 4 HiSET subtests on my own.” This fall, Joanna will attend Bunker Hill Community College.
Daisey Ozuna, the graduate speaker for the CNA Training Program for English Language Leaners, shared about her experience as a CLC student. “It has taught me a lot about endurance and taught me more about the strength that I have within myself to go back to school, manage my household, and work two jobs,” she said. “It has not been easy, but thanks to the amazing support at the CLC, I have overcome a lot.”
Phyllis Benjamin, President of the Friends of the CLC, a nonprofit organization that supports CLC through fundraising and public awareness campaigns, awarded 19 current and former CLC graduates with college scholarships sponsored by local organizations and benefactors. The graduation ceremony also recognized CLC volunteers, honoring Tom Ash as Volunteer of the Year.
The Community Learning Center will host information sessions for many of its programs throughout the summer. For more information, visit www.cambridgema.gov/CLC.