Permits are required if you plan to host an event on City property
Public Works617-349-4800 |
A plumbing permit is required for all work to be performed in accordance with the pertinent provision of the Massachusetts State Plumbing Code and Chapter 142 of the General Laws.
Inspectional Services617-349-6100 |
Pole & Conduit Permits are issued by the Pole and Conduit Commission and governed by Massachusetts General Law ch. 166 and Cambridge Ordinance and Regulations.
License Commission617-349-6140 |
Established in 2013, the Cambridge Police Chaplaincy Program is the first of its kind in the Commonwealth where chaplains will work with the department and be called out to crime scenes and significant events to offer services to officers, victims, and members of the community.
Cambridge Police617-349-3300 |
Residents can enjoy the two indoor pools at the War Memorial Recreation Center (1640 Cambridge St.) year-round. Gold Star Pool (123 Berkshire St.) is on outdoor pool open to the public during summer months.
Human Service Programs617-349-6200 |
The Department of Human Service Programs Preschool program believes that young children learn through play.
Human Service Programs617-349-6200 |
Through a partnership with the Cambridge Public Health Department and the Cambridge Prevention Coalition, the Cambridge Police Department is an approved controlled substance collection site for residents of the City of Cambridge.
Cambridge Police617-349-3300 |
To aid in the preservation and rehabilitation of these older buildings, the Historical Commission administers various federal, state, and local programs.
Historical Commission617-349-4683 |
The form to use to change the address where a person or organization can be communicated with.
Assessing617-349-4343 |
Under Massachusetts law, every person has a right to access public government records.
Law617-349-4121 |