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Board of Assessors Public Meeting



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Board of Assessors Agenda for October 4, 2021

Location: Zoom Meeting


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            Description: Board of Assessors Public Meeting


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General Business

  • Minutes of September 16th
  • Call the meeting to order by Gayle Willett, Director of Assessment

During its discussion and deliberation on General Business items, the Board of Assessors does not solicit public comment.

Executive Session

  • The Board of Assessors will meet in Executive Session pursuant to G.L. c.30, §21, Exemption to comply with, or act under the authority, of G.L. c.59, §60, to review 10 applications for Residential Exemption & 2 Personal Exemption.



Page was posted on 9/30/2021 9:57 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 4:01 AM
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