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Regular Police Review and Advisory Board Meeting


2nd Floor Conference Room
51 Inman St.
Cambridge, MA 02139

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  • City Wide


Brian Corr



The Chair will check whether the meeting is being recorded
  1. Public Comment* 
  2. Review and Approval of Minutes from February 27, 2019
  3. Report from Executive Secretary Brian Corr 
  4. Report from CPD Professional Standards Unit
  5. New Business 
  6. Meet in Executive Session Pursuant to Section 21(a)(3) of Open Meeting Law to Discuss Open Meeting Law Complaint of Marc Levy and Pursuant to Section 21(a)(1) of Open Meeting Law to Discuss Complaints Pending Before the Board

* Anyone wishing to address the Police Review & Advisory Board can sign up immediately before the meeting and is called upon by the Chair once the Public Comment period begins. Speakers are asked to identify themselves and provide an address, and each speaker is limited to not more than three (3) minutes. Although the public comments should, whenever possible, address one or more items on the agenda for that particular meeting, if time permits, the Chair may allow a speaker to comment on matters that may not directly address an item on the agenda, but do concern the Board, the Cambridge Police Department, or issues of policing within the City of Cambridge.

Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 3:26 AM
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