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City of Cambridge to Allow Fitness Centers to Operate at 40% Capacity. Additional City Restrictions Continue to Apply

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

The City of Cambridge announced that effective immediately, fitness centers and health clubs shall adhere to the capacity limits set by Governor Baker and are no longer restricted to 25% capacity. These establishments shall comply with all applicable sector specific workplace safety standards, and additionally shall comply with City’s further restrictions and recommendations.

The following previously released City restrictions and recommendations on fitness centers will continue to apply:

  • Fitness centers and health clubs shall limit capacity of locker rooms/changing rooms to 1 person per 200 square feet and shall post signage and enforce capacity limits;
  • Customers of fitness centers and health clubs shall only utilize the facility for a ninety (90) minute time period, per day;
  • Fitness centers and health clubs shall post a sign at the entrance clearly displaying the maximum capacity of the facility;
  • In addition to the mandatory requirements of this Order, the City recommends that indoor fitness centers and health clubs abide by the following provisions, as further detailed below:
  1. Consider scheduling a one-hour buffer between group classes to ventilate the room/studio where classes are held. If possible, fitness centers and health clubs shall utilize passive ventilation in group activities and/or classes (i.e. open windows to create a cross-flow air pattern);
  2. Consider utilizing self-standing, movable air filtration units rather than building-wide air handling systems;
  3. It is recommended that each indoor fitness center and health club participate in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) consult/training;
  4. Consider offering a real-time on-line dashboard indicating the current capacity and the number of available slots for customers;
  5. Consider adding a system for scheduling appointments for the facility;
  6. Consider offering group classes outside whenever possible;
  7. It is recommended that each indoor fitness center and health club close changing rooms/locker rooms; and
  8. Consider using a sign-in sign-out sheet indicating area/equipment used by each customer.

The City of Cambridge will continue to take a cautious and measured approach to activities and industries permitted in Cambridge and will continue to closely monitor public health data as part of its decision-making process.

View full text of the City of Cambridge Emergency Order with Requirements for Fitness Center and Health Club Operations that was issued on February 9, 2021.

For more information and to sign up to receive updates on COVID-19 and vaccine-related information, please visit the City’s dedicated information page: https://www.cambridgema.gov/covid19.

Page was posted on 2/9/2021 1:27 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 12:31 AM
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