2 playgrounds with little natural shade
Installing canopies over playgrounds that do not have protection from the elements will reduce weather-related safety concerns and increase playground availability and use.
Playgrounds provide recreational space and equipment for people to run, jump, swing, climb, and slide. Play is not only a fun and enjoyable activity, it is also an essential part of youth development that brings many valuable benefits, including the advancement of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive skills.
Cambridge has 61 playgrounds, which are utilized by thousands of residents. However, two factors that may limit playground use and enjoyment are weather-related: 1) in summer months, parents may choose to limit playground use due to sun exposure; 2) playgrounds are exposed to the elements and when it rains, fewer people go to playgrounds.
Shade and wet weather canopies are designed to limit UV exposure and to provide protection from the rain. Installing canopies over playgrounds that do not receive natural shade from nearby trees will reduce weather-related safety concerns and will increase playground availability and use. Some possible locations are Greene Rose Heritage Park, Hoyt Field, and Joan Lorentz Park at the Main Library. A more playful Cambridge is a better Cambridge!
The City’s cost estimate of $146,000 includes the purchase and installation of one permanent canopy, the purchase and installation of one temporary removable canopy, and funds for design, construction management, and contingencies.
Fixed/Permanent Canopy

Temporary/Removable Canopy