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Safety Improvement Project on Cambridge Street

The City of Cambridge is making safety improvements, including the installation of separated bike lanes, on Cambridge Street between Inman Square and Second Street.

As part of the project, we will:

  • Change the layout of the street with quick-build materials: new pavement markings, traffic signs, and flex posts
  • Add separated bike lanes:
    • Move bike lanes to be next to the curb
    • Add white flex posts to physically separate them from moving vehicles
  • Make improvements for people walking:
    • Shorten crossing distances
    • Reconstruct curb ramps and sidewalks as needed for accessibility
  • Improve bus service   
    • Construct better waiting areas with more space and more amenities, such as shelters, trash cans and/or benches
    • Relocate stops as needed to provide more efficient stop spacing, increasing bus travel times
  • Reduce on-street parking 
    • Provide on-street parking spaces on one side of the street (parking can change sides)
    • Accommodate on-street outdoor street dinning 
    • Work with businesses and residents to identify the best locations and regulations for the remaining parking and loading spaces

These changes will help us meet the requirements of the Cambridge Cycling Safety Ordinance, support our Vision Zero goal to eliminate crashes resulting in fatalities and serious injuries, and bring us closer to realizing the Cambridge Bicycle Network Vision.


The project team is currently working on two sets of project plans.

Section A

We're working on a revised plan based on comments we received via email, our design feedback survey, 1:1 meetings with residents and businesses, and our project working group. We anticipate publishing the revised plans in later Winter 2025. 

Click here to view the previous draft of the plans for Section A. Still have feedback you want to share? Reach out via email or phone.

Section B

We're working on draft plans for Section B, from Willow St to Fulkerson St. We expect to have a draft of the plans available by the Spring of 2025. 

Get Involved

We want to hear from you! 

Design Feedback Survey

The feedback survey for Section A is now closed. Come back soon for a survey for Section B.

Attend an Open House or Community Meeting

We'll host a series of events throughout the Winter and Spring of 2025 to get your feedback. Check back soon for meeting information.

Set up a 1:1

Our project team is happy to meet with businesses, residents, organizations, and groups. Reach out to schedule a phone call, video chat, or in-person meeting by emailing us or calling 617-349-9162.

Project Sections

This project is broken into three sections. Right now, we are in Section A: Oak Street to Willow Street.




Section A (We're here)
Oak Street to Willow Street
This includes the western most section of the project. We anticipate finishing design in Spring 2025, with installation later in 2025.
Installation Timeline: 2025

Project Status:
Draft plans now available
Section B (We're here)
Willow Street to Fulkerson Street
Installation of these sections is expected to begin in 2026. 
Installation Timeline: 2026
Project Status: Design underway
Section C
Fulkerson Street to Second Street
Installation of these sections is expected to begin in 2026. 
Installation Timeline: 2026
Project Status: Not yet started

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Thursday, January 23, 2025: Project Working Group Meeting 3

Thursday, January 23, 2025
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
City Hall Annex Building
344 Broadway

At the third Working Group meeting for Cambridge Street Safety Improvement Project, members reviewed the design plans for Section A of the Cambridge St Project.

Meeting Materials

Monday, December 16, 2024: Project Working Group Meeting 2

Monday, December 16, 2024
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
City Hall Annex Building
344 Broadway

At the second Working Group meeting for the Cambridge Street Safety Improvement Project, we discussed timelines of City ordinances regarding bike lanes and certain design limitations. The conversation followed with a Section A site walk of the Cambridge Street project from Oak to Willow, ending with a Working Group discussion at the Valente Public Library.

Meeting Materials



Monday, December 2, 2024: Project Working Group Meeting 1

Monday, December 2, 2024
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

City Hall Annex Building
344 Broadway

At the first Working Group meeting for the Cambridge Street Safety Improvement Project, we introduced Working Group members and discussed what we're hoping to achieve in the coming months. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023: Phase 1 Virtual Community Meeting

Tuesday, December 12
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.


At this virtual meeting, we introduced the project, provided background on related City policies and plans, talked about what we know about the project so far, and left time for public comment. We are currently in the planning stages for this project and do not yet have a plan for the street. Your feedback now will help guide us as we develop concepts for community review.


Learn more

December 2, 2023: Phase 1 In-Person Open House

Saturday, December 2, 2023
Noon to 2 p.m.
Millers River Apartments
15 Lambert St.

At this open house, we introduced the goals of the project, asked attendees about their experiences with the street, gathered feedback on safety concerns, and answered questions. 


About 25 people in a room with informational boards and a project map with sticky notes.

November 29, 2023: Phase 1 In-Person Open House

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Valente Branch of the Cambridge Public Library
826 Cambridge St.

At this open house, we introduced the goals of the project, asked attendees about their experiences with the street, gathered feedback on safety concerns, and answered questions.  


A group of about six people gather around a map with sticky notes. people standing around a map on the table to posted notes people standing around a map on the table with sticky notes. some people writing on sticky notes

Outreach and Surveys

Business Outreach

We met with businesses throughout 2024 to get their feedback on the project design, including changes to parking.

On October 1st, we presented to the East Cambridge Business Association. Click here to see a copy of the presentation.

Project Working Group

This project has a Project Working Group, set up in the Fall of 2024. Working Group meetings will be held every 1-3 months throughout the project design. Working Group meetings are open to the public, however time for public comment will be limited to ensure full participation of Working Group members. The members of the Project Working Group are:

  • Kaleb Abebe
  • Carmen Baskauf
  • Brian Cafferelli
  • Christopher Cassa
  • Joshua Croom
  • Helen Fu 
  • Helen Gibbons
  • Keisha Greaves
  • Christopher Herlich
  • Charles Hinds
  • Patrick Magee
  • James McSweeney
  • Sky Rose
  • Marie Saccoccio
  • Amanda Sindel-Keswick

Design Feedback Survey

Check back soon for a survey that covers Section B of the project, from Willow St to Fulkerson St.

Project Introduction: November 2023

In November 2023, we:

Project Emails

City News Stories

More Project Information

Project Area Map

Project Area

The project begins at Oak Street, where it meets the Inman Square project, and extends to Second Street, where it will meet with the O'Brien Highway Reconstruction Project

The Safety Improvement Project on Cambridge Street will make safety improvements to the area between Oak Street and Second Street. 

Click here for a larger version of the project map

Nearby Projects

The Safety Improvement Project on Cambridge Street will connect with nearby projects enhancing pedestrian and bike facilities, including: 

  • O'Brien Highway (Route 28) Reconstruction Project: Divco West, the developer of Cambridge Crossing, is redesigning and reconstructing O'Brien Highway from Land Boulevard to Third Street and some nearby streets. The project includes new separated bike lanes on Cambridge Street between O'Brien Highway and Second Street, which will connect to this project. Other improvements include new sidewalks, enhanced pedestrian crossings, and landscaping. This project is still underway. 
  • Grand Junction Path Project: The Grand Junction Multi-use Path is a proposed off-street multi-use path running alongside the existing railroad tracks in the Grand Junction corridor from Boston University Bridge to Somerville. The planned path will intersect with Cambridge Street between Warren Street and Lambert Street. Construction on sections of the path will likely happen at different times and will begin once final design and permitting are complete.
  • Inman Square Intersection Improvements Project: As part of this project, the City added separated bike lanes to Cambridge Street between Fayette Street and Oak Street. The project also included pedestrian safety improvements, bus stop enhancements, and public space activation. This project was completed in 2023. 
  • Cambridge Street Bicycle Safety Demonstration Project: As part of this project, the City of Cambridge added quick-build separated bike lanes to the section of Cambridge Street west of Inman Square, from Quincy Street to Inman Square. This project was completed in 2017.

Bus Stop Improvements and Stop Changes

As part of this project, we're making improvements to bus service. Each bus stop will include a reconstructed sidewalk, which extends out into the street. This allows passengers to more easily get on and off the bus. Buses will stop in the travel lane, rather than pull to the curb, speeding up boarding times and reducing conflicts between bus riders and cyclists.

Example of a Bus Boarding Island that extends out into the street. This reduces boarding times and improves accessibility by allowing drivers to more easily access the curb.

Proposed bus stop locations in Section A of the project. Stops at Prospect St and Norfolk St will be combined to a single stop in each direction.

Existing Parking Map

In November 2023, we inventoried existing parking supply and regulations. In the map below, we've noted existing parking regulations on Cambridge Street and 300 feet down each side street. 

About half of the existing parking on Cambridge Street will need to be removed to make space for separated bike lanes. 

Click here to view the Cambridge Street Parking Map

Existing Parking Spaces Tally

Overall North Side (westbound) South Side (eastbound)
236 129 107

Our Cambridge Street

Cover page of Our Cambridge Street. Text reads: Our Cambridge St. a community plan. Black text over a background made up of profiles of diverse people shown in bright multicolor.The Safety Improvement Project on Cambridge Street will build off the feedback you shared during the City's recent Our Cambridge Street plan. Read the full plan here

Our Cambridge Street goals related to this project include:

  • Look for opportunities to enhance the street for people walking by:
    • 9A: Improving crossings for safe intersections.
  • Look for opportunities to streamline deliveries to support local businesses by:
    • 10A: Providing clearer designation and better enforcement of existing loading zones.
    • 10C: Providing sufficient loading areas based on the needs of the businesses on each block.
  • Look for opportunities to enhance the street for people bicycling by:
    • 12C: Incorporating separated bicycle facilities along the length of Cambridge Street
  • Look for opportunities to enhance the street for people riding the bus and The Ride (13)


Parking Study

We're collecting data on parking occupancy along Cambridge St and nearby on side-streets. This study will provide baseline parking occupancy data on Cambridge St and will document the frequency of unsafe parking, such as parking in a bike lane, or blocking a crosswalk and/or bus stop. This data will inform what types of changes are needed to keep parking available with the reduction of parking that's expected as part of the project. In addition, it will let us measure the effectiveness of separated bike lanes and corner parking restrictions on reducing unsafe vehicle stopping and/or parking.

Section A Draft Report

The Draft Report for Section A of the project area will soon be available. We welcome comments on the draft report. The study documented parking occupancy levels at regular intervals on both weekdays and weekends during a period of seasonable weather between October 17th and October 20th. 

Sections B and C data collection Spring 2025

We plan to continue data collection in the Spring of 2025 on the remaining sections of Cambridge St.


Spring 2024 Data Collection

In spring 2024, we collected baseline information about the street.

Data Collection Summary

  • Turning Movement Counts (TMCs) at 5 locations
    • Cambridge St at Prospect St
    • Cambridge St at Columbia St
    • Cambridge St at Cardinal Medeiros Ave/Warren St
    • Cambridge St at Warren St
    • Cambridge St at Third St
  • Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) counts, which includes vehicle speed data and bicycle counts, at 2 locations
    • Cambridge St at King Open School
    • Cambridge St between 5th St and Sciarappa St

Key Findings

  • About 272 bicycles a day in one direction, or 10% of traffic on the street, despite poor bike infrastructure
    • During the morning peak hour, approximately 100 bicycles in one direction, or 20% of total traffic
  • Approximately 25% of drivers travelled above the 25mph speed limit
  • Approximately 5% of drivers travelled above 30 mph

We will compare baseline counts with counts performed after the project is complete. This will let us review the project's effect on people's behavior; for example, we can see if people drive slower or if more people choose to bike on the street.


Crash Data

Between January 2021 and September 2023, the Cambridge Police Department created 149* crash reports for the section of Cambridge Street between Oak Street and Second Street. 

Crash Type Number of Reported Crashes Number of Crashes Involving an Injury Percent of Crashes Resulting in Injury
Driver & Driver* 73 25 34%
Driver & Cyclist 31 26 84%
Driver & Object 28 4 14%
Driver & Pedestrian* 18 16 89%
Cyclist & Cyclist 0 N/A N/A
Cyclist & Pedestrian 0 N/A N/A

*In one crash, a driver hit another driver and a pedestrian, causing injuries to both.

Crash Data Map

Cambridge Street Road Safety Audit (September 2020)

A road safety audit is a process where city leaders and roadway engineers can evaluate the need for various roadway improvements. It is typically done ahead of identifying a project timeline.

For this road safety audit, Cambridge staff, MassDOT and its consultant evaluated the intersections of Cambridge Street at Windsor Street, Willow Street, Hunting Street, and Harding Street. 

Click here to read the road safety audit. 

The study included recommendations for general improvements along Cambridge Street as well as improvements at each intersection.

Highlighted Findings:

The considered the findings below most relevant to this project.

  • 35 crashes involving bicycles or pedestrians from 2010 to 2019. 
    • Four doorings
    • Three sideswipe crashes
    • Greatest number of pedestrian and bicycle crashes occurred at the intersection of Cambridge Street and Windsor Street: 11 involving bicycles and seven involving pedestrians.
  • General recommendations:
    • Improve safety around school pick up and drop off near the King Open School.
    • Evaluate traffic calming measures on side streets to discourage cut-through traffic.
    • Consider providing separated bike lanes and making other bike safety improvements.
    • Enhance pedestrian accommodations and ensure curb ramps are ADA compliant.
  • At Windsor Street:
    • Consider adding "Do Not Block Intersection" signage and pavement markings.
    • Evaluate signal timings.
    • Consider implementing bicycle lanes.
    • Consider adding green bicycle conflict markings at conflict points.
    • Ensure all signage is sufficiently retroreflective.
    • Refresh pavement markings.
  • At Hunting Street:
    • Ensure acceptable sight distance at the northeast corner of the intersection.

Bicycling in Cambridge Data Report (October 2023)

The city recently published an updated data report about biking in Cambridge. Click here to view the report.

Our Cambridge Street Data

As part of the Our Cambridge Street Planning Study, the City gathered information on the neighborhood around the eastern section of Cambridge Street. For the purposes of this analysis, the City defined the study area as within a .25 mile walk of the section of Cambridge Street between Inman Square and Lechmere.



  • Seniors over 65: 13% of the population
  • Youth under 19: 12% of the population
  • Median Age: 34


  • 15% of households are experiencing poverty (compared to 11% citywide)
  • Median household income: $100,537 (compared to $107,374 citywide)

Race and Ethnicity:

  • 62.1% non-Hispanic White
  • 15.3% Asian
  • 11.6% Hispanic
  • 7.3% African-American
  • 2.8% two or more races
  • 0.8% other

Places of birth for foreign-born population:

About 28-30% of the population is foreign-born.

  • 11% China
  • 6% India
  • 5% Portugal
  • 5% Brazil
  • 5% Canada


Total number of first-floor businesses: 225 (as of October 2021)

  • 53 professional offices
  • 39 restaurants
  • 24 salons/barber shops
  • 18 services (such as health/wellness, cleaning, repair, pets, and laundry businesses)
  • 15 retail 
  • 12 medical offices
  • 9 day care centers
  • 9 institutions
  • 9 convenience stores
  • 8 banks
  • 6 specialty food stores
  • 4 social service organizations
  • 4 auto businesses
  • 4 liquor stores
  • 4 cafes
  • 3 social clubs
  • 2 post offices
  • 2 pharmacies
  • 1 industrial
  • 22 vacant (as of October 2021)


Policy and Design Background

The Cycling Safety Ordinance

In 2019, the Cambridge City Council passed the Cycling Safety Ordinance. The 2019 Ordinance requires the City to install separated bike lanes when:

In 2020, the Cambridge City Council passed amendments to the ordinance, requiring the installation of about 25 miles of separated bike lanes within the next five to seven years. The ordinance requires that the City install separated bike lanes on:

  • All of Massachusetts Avenue
  • Garden Street, eastbound from Huron Avenue to Berkeley Street and westbound from Mason Street to Huron Avenue
  • Broadway from Quincy Street to Hampshire Street
  • Cambridge Street from Oak Street to Second Street
  • Hampshire Street from Amory Street to Broadway
  • 11.6 miles in other locations from the 2020 Bicycle Plan

What do separated bike lanes look like?

Mt Auburn St at Holyoke St - Before and After

The images below show Mt Auburn St at Holyoke St before and after separated bike lanes were installed as a part of the Inner Mount Auburn Safety Improvement Project.

The left image shows Inner Mt Auburn St with a standard bike lane, travel lane, and a parking lane. The right image shows Inner Mt Auburn St with a bike lane, buffer area with flex posts, a travel lane, a parking lane, and daylighting.

Key Components of Separated Bike Lanes

  • Bike lanes create dedicated space for people who are biking.
  • Buffers (painted lines on the street) create space between people biking and people driving. They help prevent unintentional collisions that could cause serious harm to the people involved. Depending on the location, there may be a parking lane next to the buffer area. In these instances, drivers can use the buffer area to safely get in and out of the car and to load and unload items.
  • Flex posts are placed in the buffer area and serve as a vertical barrier in the buffer area.
  • Travel lanes allow space for people to drive down the street, but can be used by anyone.
  • Green markings help alert people turning from the travel lane that they should look out for people on bikes. These are generally installed at intersections and across driveways.
  • Parking creates space for people to store their vehicles while they are in the area. This part of the street may also be designated as loading zones, which help make it easier for delivery people to do their jobs.
  • Daylighting is when the parking lane is pulled back 20 feet to make it easier for people driving down the street and people waiting to cross the street to see each other. These areas are generally marked with lines on the ground. There may also be flex posts.

Why Install Separated Bike Lanes

Separated bike lanes provide more space and vertical separation between people on bikes and people in cars. More people are comfortable biking in separated bike lanes than in traditional bike lanes or in traffic with cars, buses, and trucks. Separated bike lanes also increase safety for people walking by reducing crossing distances. As we install separated bike lanes, we also look for opportunities to increase visibility at intersections, refresh crosswalk markings, and install appropriate pedestrian crossing signs.

What guides our street design?

In Cambridge, we take a human-centered approach to street design, engineered to prevent errors as much as possible and lessen the impacts of errors when they do happen.

We design for all ages and abilities. This includes:

  • Designing our streets for people who may not have access to a car
  • Designing our streets to protect the most vulnerable road users, like cyclists and pedestrians
  • Creating safe and accessible facilities, including bike lanes, that can be used by a wide range of people

Our focus is on moving people and goods, not their vehicles

  • Biking and riding transit is a more efficient use of limited street space
  • We keep access for trucks and local deliveries, but safely.

Other Streets and Transportation Projects

Looking for information on other streets and transportation projects in the City? Three City departments collaborate on the design, community engagement, installation, and construction for street and transportation improvements: the Community Development Department, Public Works Department, and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department.

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Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc., click here