The Community Learning Center's Bridge to College Program prepares adult learners to transition to college and succeed in college-level courses.
Human Service Programs617-349-6200 |
The Inspectional Services Department manages building permit applications that may require pre-approval from the Fire Department located at 491 Broadway.
Inspectional Services617-349-6100 |
Anyone seeking to construct, alter, repair, or demolish a structure must first obtain a building permit. The building permit must be obtained before the start of any work and prominently posted at the job site.
Inspectional Services617-349-6100 |
An abatement is a reduction in the tax assessed on your property for the fiscal year.
Assessing617-349-4343 |
The Cambridge Alert Network is comprised of multiple services that help keep residents and businesses informed of important City information.
Cambridge Police617-349-3300 |
As part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Local Cultural Council Program, Cambridge Arts makes annual awards to support arts and culture in the City.
Cambridge Arts617-349-4380 |
The Cambridge Building Custom Energy Retrofit Program, a partnership of the City and Eversource, aims to make large buildings (over 25,000 square feet or over 50 units) more energy efficient by connecting building owners with resources.
Community Development617-349-4600 |
The Cemetery Division is responsible for grave site preparation, burial services, landscaping, maintenance and customer service at the City's 66-acre site on Coolidge Avenue.
Public Works617-349-4800 |
The Cambridge Employment Program provides free employment assistance to Cambridge residents.
Human Service Programs617-349-6200 |
The City of Cambridge Ethics Ordinance (2.1118), enacted by the City Council in 1991, sets a minimum standard of ethical conduct for certain municipal officials and candidates for elective municipal office
Election Commission617-349-4361 |