Committee on Public Planting
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Join in person at 147 Hampshire Street or log in remotely using the zoom link below:
1. Review of meeting minutes from March and April meetings
2. Presentation by Amy Meltzer on "
Supporting Biodiversity and Addressing Climate Change with Native Plants and Trees" followed by Q&A
3. Updates from City Arborists
o Updated street tree species list
4. Outreach Subcommittee:
o Report on Arbor Day activities from Forestry Team and CPP tabling members. What worked? What can we learn for other events and next year?
5. Other meeting items:
o Summary of Health & Environment meeting on April 25 - identification of next steps
o CPP Membership - application process
6. Public comments