Central Square Advisory Committee

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Thursday, December 3, 2020


Drew Kane, dkane@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4600

The Central Square Advisory Committee is appointed by the City Manager to undertake all large project reviews of variances and special permits for activities within the Central Square Overlay District, and to monitor the progress of the Central Square Non-Zoning Recommendations of the 2013 K2C2 Study. This meeting will be held pursuant to the provisions outlined in Section 20.300 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Members of the public may watch and participate in the committee meeting, which will be held virtually through Zoom. 

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I. Introduction & Updates

II. Presentation/Discussion

A. 600 Mass Ave – The applicant proposes to construct a mixed-use development at 600 Mass Ave in Central Square. The Applicant proposes to demolish a portion of the existing building from Mass Ave through to Green St and to construct forty-six (46) residential dwelling units on five stories (floors two through six) within that space.
The applicant seeks Special Permits for Gross Floor Area Exclusions for Basement, Project Review Special Permit, Building Height Limitation, Additional FAR for Residential Uses, Exemption for Residential Balconies, Waiver of Setback and Open Space Requirements, and Parking and Loading Requirements.
This project was presented to CSAC in November of 2018, but since then updates have been made to the project that justify review by the committee.

B. 698 Mass Ave - The proposed site is currently the location of Rodney's Book Store and the new desired use is a financial institution. The tenant is Citizens Bank currently occupying a location directly across the street. The site is within the BB-CSQ zoning district
The proposed change will occupy approximately three thousand square feet of space at the ground level where Rodney's Book Store currently occupies.
City of Cambridge cambridgema.gov

The applicant seeks Special Permits for
i. Article 20.304.5 (3)(8) Restricted Uses Financial Institutions - The applicant requests a special permit where the length of the store frontage is over 25' and will use more than 30% of the building frontage
ii. Article 20.304.5 (4) Formula Business District - The applicant requests a special permit where the business is a formula business

III. Public Comment
A. Public comment will be open following the presentation and comments from the CSAC.

IV. Adjournment