Reports & Presentations

The following statistical profiles summarize a variety of information about Cambridge. these are a good starting point to begin learn about the numbers that describe the city.

Statistical Profile of Cambridge

Cover of Demographic and Statistical Profile This document includes 62 pages of statistical tables and charts covering wide range of topics, including general demographics, income, labor force and employment, transportation, land use and housing. The Profile can serve as both a general introduction to the make up of the City’s population and as a reference document. Updated in June 2011.

Housing Market Profile

2016 Housing Profile CoverThe Housing Market Information packet provides information about the housing stock, including condominiums and affordable units, vacancy rates, market rate housing sales costs, condominium conversions, private market rents, foreclosures, mortgages, and affordability. Last updated in 2016.

Just the Facts

Cover to Just the Facts Brochure A resource guide for businesses featuring location, demographic, workforce and commercial information to assist with locating your business in Cambridge. Last updated in 2023.

Moving Forward

Cover of Moving Forward reportMoving Forward: Cambridge's Journey to Work 2020, analyses American Community Survey data on commuting, which has been collected in the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) together with Local Employer Households Dynamics (LEHD) data collected as part of the unemployment insurance program. The report summarizes the commuting patterns among three groups of workers:

  • The Workforce, all those who work in Cambridge regardless of place of residence;
  • The Labor Force, all those Cambridge residents who work regardless of place of work; and
  • The Resident Labor Force, those who both reside in and work in Cambridge.

The report is based on data collected into the 2012 - 2016 CTPP data set, the most recent complete analysis of the national transportation data collected by the U. S. Census Bureau, and the 2017 LEHD data set. Comparative information is also provided from the 2000 and 2006 - 2010 Journey to Work data sets. Updated in 2020.

Neighborhood Statistical Profile of Cambridge

Cover of 2016 Neighborhood Statistical ProfileThe 2023 Neighborhood Profile includes a three page summary for each of Cambridge's thirteen neighborhoods, as well as a summary of the City's population. Also included is a series of eleven data tables, allowing easy comparison of 1990 through 2010 Decennial Census results with the 2017 - 2021 American Community Survey, 

Demographic Presentations

Community Development staff members present demographics and socioeconomic data to various groups around the City. Presentations include analysis and updated information not available elsewhere. Note that statistics found in these presentations may be superseded by updated data sets posted elsewhere on the demographics pages. If you are interested in having a demographic presentation for your group, please refer to the contact information at the bottom of this page

For More Information

For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Scott Walker, Senior Manager for Data Services at, or 617-349-4656.