Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Cambridge is working on updating its Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. Natural hazard mitigation planning refers to the process of identifying strategies for hazard mitigation. Natural hazards include floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Hazard mitigation means to reduce the losses of life, injuries, and property damage. Strategies can include planning, policy changes, programs, projects, and other activities.

Final Proposed Plan

The final proposed Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, Appendices, and slides from the presentation to the Health and Environment Committee of the City Council are available at the following links:

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - February 2025 (PDF)

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Appendices (PDF)

Slides from Dec. 5, 2023 presentation to the Health and Environment Committee of the City Council (PDF)

Provide Input on Draft Mitigation Actions

Requesting your input on Cambridge’s draft mitigation actions. Share your thoughts via the survey link below by November 5, 2023.

Survey link:

You can also call or email with your feedback.

Recordings and Presentations for the October 25th Final Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Public Meetings

On Wednesday, October 25th, we had two meetings where we presented the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. The draft plan is a result of the hard work of the City Steering Committee, the consultant team at Weston and Sampson, external stakeholders who participated in the Hazard Mitigation Planning Team, and input from Cambridge residents. These meetings will be the final opportunity to share public input on the plan.

The presentation slides and the recordings for public meetings two and three are available at the links below. Enter the passcode if prompted.

See the presentation for the October 25th meetings here.  

Recording from the first public meeting on June 13, 2023

Thank you for joining the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update public meeting on June 13, 2023. To view the recording, please click on the following link and enter the passcode if prompted:

Passcode: 0cfHef&n

See the presentation for the June 13th meeting here

Public Survey

This HMP survey is now closed. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Your input is important to the resilience and well-being of the Cambridge community. The project team will incorporate information from this survey throughout the HMP update process. We will include the survey results as an attachment in the final report.

Another survey has been created for you to provide input on draft actions in the HMP. The survey is linked above. 

For any questions or concerns, please contact: