Map Collections

The Community Development Department produces a wide variety of maps for its own use and as a source of information for the public. Topics range over wide area, covering everything from the locations of farmers markets to parks to zoning.

Web Maps

This page contains a list of interactive maps available elsewhere on the Community Development Department website. These are not print-ready, but they are easy to navigate, and users can toggle different layers of the maps on or off.


The Cambridge CityViewer, maintained by the City's GIS staff, is an interactive mapping platform. It is more robust than the web maps in that it offers more detailed information but is not quite as simple to navigate as a result. It has many features which allow users to view, query, and create maps, as well as export selected data sets into a spreadsheet, use measurement tools, mark up maps, send links to users by e-mail, and more.


GIS, or geographical information systems, is a computer application that enables the collection, analysis, and visualization of information in a geographic context. Features like utility poles, zoning boundaries, and building footprints are digitally represented by geometric objects such as points, lines, and polygons; it is possible to use GIS to reveal such things as how many people live within 1000 feet of a T station, or where buildings over 60 feet tall are located in the City, to give just two examples. GIS is typically used by professionals, but the CambridgeGIS department maintains their own map gallery of ready-to-print maps that anyone can use, as well as a robust dataset for GIS users.

Open Data

If you are conducting analysis or research about Cambridge, be sure to visit Cambridge’s Open Data portal. This website contains many table-based data sets, which can be mapped wither in the open data platform or exported for analysis using GIS or in spreadsheet format.

Map Galleries

The numerous map galleries, visible in the sidebar and listed below, provide PDF maps that are ready to print. These maps describe Cambridge’s census boundaries, commercial districts, and neighborhoods, and some display information about topics like transportation, zoning, or open space.

For more information about these maps and about GIS contact Brendan Monroe at 617/349-4641 or

  • Major Squares Map Gallery

    Maps of the City's five major commercial squares.

  • Transportation Map Gallery

    Map gallery of transportation related maps for the City of Cambridge.

  • Zoning Map Gallery

    Provides access to maps delineating the base zoning in effect throughout the city as well maps of a variety of overlay districts, which modify the base zoning.

  • Other Maps of Interest

    Other maps of the City of Cambridge, including those for land use, permitting, Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy (NRS) area, tech companies, farmers markets, and institutional ownership.