Our Cambridge Street: Priorities & Possibilities

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Thursday, February 17, 2022

City Wide

Drew Kane, 617-349-4640

Colorful Silhouettes with speech and thought bubbles on the bottom. Text reads: two community workshops. In a black banner at the bottom text reads "workshop 1: crafting a vision February 3rd Workshop 2, Priorities & Possibilities February 17th

This will be the second of a series of two community workshops for Our Cambridge Street. The first will be a visioning session to help develop a shared vision statement for Cambridge Street. 

Click here to register or use the information below to join the meeting via Zoom. Closed captions will be available. 

Click on this link from your computer, tablet, or smartphone: https://cambridgema.zoom.us/j/83223701974

Or call: 1 929 436 2866 (note that you'll be able to listen in, but not see the presentation slides)

Meeting ID: 832 2370 1974

Closed captioning will be provided for this meeting.

Session 2: Priorities & Possibilities will be held on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 6 p.m. You do not have to attend the first session to attend the second, nor do you need to commit to both meetings. 

Please contact Drew Kane with any questions at dkane@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-4640.