Bicycle Maintenance Workshop for Cambridge Residents
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Monday, July 15, 2013
City Hall Annex
344 Broadway
2nd Floor Conference Room
Jennifer Lawrence,, 617/349-4671
This is an advanced workshop. You should ride regularly or have taken our Bike Safety Workshop in 2011 or 2012. Our Basic Bike Maintenance Workshops are 1-hour in-class presentations designed for up to 30 participants.
This workshop covers the following topics:
• The anatomy of the bike.
• Fixing flats.
• Adjusting brakes.
• Repairing a chain.
• Securing wheels.
• Overall bike safety check.
• Seat height.
All participants will get a bicycle helmet to use with your own bike or with a Hubway bike!
Audience: Any interested Cambridge residents – an advanced workshop.
Please RSVP to Jennifer Lawrence.