Affordable Housing Finance 101

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Citywide Senior Center
806 Massachusetts Ave.

A Better Cambridge and the Cambridge Residents Alliance will co-host a presentation presentation by Peter Roth, a lecturer at MIT's Center for Real Estate and the School of Architecture and Planning, on the basics of affordable housing finance, the obstacles to creating affordable housing, and tools we could consider to create new affordable housing. 

Roth's experience with adaptive re-use and preservation and affordable and mixed-income housing can inform our understanding of the type of high-quality affordable housing development that is possible in Cambridge.

By attending this event, participants will understand the obstacles to creating affordable housing and be able to identify the tools that can help us build more. Housing affordability is the #1 concern for Cambridge residents, but the process of financing these projects and protecting housing as affordable is technical and complex. Please join us to learn how we can make our shared aspiration for more affordable housing in Cambridge a reality. Q&A will follow.