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- Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Ordinance
Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Ordinance
7/7/2023 • 1 year ago
The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 1 year ago.
The City of Cambridge is working to adopt an ordinance that will require new buildings and buildings undergoing a major renovation to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Making buildings fossil fuel free means healthier homes and buildings and will help Cambridge reach our climate goals.
Oil and natural gas are the most common types of fossil fuels that many buildings use for heating, cooling, and cooking. This new ordinance will require new and renovated buildings to be built using clean, all-electric systems. Technologies and appliances that can be updated to fossil fuel free include heat pumps, solar water heaters, and induction cooktops.
Share Your Feedback
We want to hear from you about how we can make new buildings and major renovations in Cambridge fossil fuel free! Whether you're a Cambridge resident, building owner, or a building professional, we invite you to share your feedback by clicking the link below. We will be examining any technical considerations for how fossil fuel free requirements would apply to new buildings and major renovations in Cambridge, including any specific buildings types or systems that we should focus on in our research.
Feedback Survey for the Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Program
(If you would like translation services related to this program, please click here to submit a translation request.)
Attend the Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Webinar
We will be hosting a webinar on Monday, July 10 and July 24, at 5:00 PM to present information about the Demonstration Program and answer questions. Please register for these webinars through the program page found here.