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- Climate Preparedness Week: September 24 - 30
Climate Preparedness Week: September 24 - 30
9/10/2019 • 5 years ago
The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 5 years ago.
Join the City of Cambridge and Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW) in observing Climate Preparedness Week, September 24 - 30, 2019. Through a book discussion, poster exhibit, and other events, the community will come together to learn about city planning climate preparedness efforts and actions that households can take to prepare for climate change-related impacts and emergencies.
Friday, September 20
PARK(ing) Day / Climate Preparedness Week Kickoff
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
150 metered parking spots across the city will be transformed into temporary parks and activity hubs. Look for spots devoted to emergency preparedness and environmental sustainability, with parklets hosted by CREW, the Cambridge Fire Department, Emergency Communications, the Cambridge Energy Alliance, CDD's Environmental and Transportation division, the Cambridge Health Alliance, the Department of Public Works, and more. For a map and descriptions of PARK(ing) Day spots, visit cambridgema.gov/PARKingDay
Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27
Climate Preparedness Poster Exhibit
City Hall lobby, 795 Massachusetts Ave.
This exhibit provides an overview of City initiatives related to climate preparedness and resiliency and actions that the community can take to prepare for a changing climate and climate-related emergencies. It will be on display in City Hall throughout the week.
Storytime at the Cambridge Public Library
Celebrate our natural wonders and learn more about climate change at the Cambridge Public Library's storytime events held throughout the week. For time and location details, view the Library's calendar.
View the Library's "Climate Change Awareness" reading list for adults and youth.
Tuesday, September 24
Community Book Discussion of Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore by Elizabeth Rush
Cambridge Public Library, Main Branch Community Room, 449 Broadway
6:00 p.m.
In Rising, journalist Elizabeth Rush guides readers through some of the places where climate change has been the most dramatic. Join the community in a moderated discussion about the book.
For additional reading, view the Library's "Climate Change Awareness" reading list for adults and youth.
Wicked Hot Boston
Museum of Science Skyline Room, Museum of Science Driveway
6:00 p.m.
Learn about the health and social impacts of extreme heat, work with other participants to explore and recommend resilience strategies, and more. John Bolduc, a Sustainability Planner at the City of Cambridge, will help facilitate the event. Registration required.
Thursday, September 26
Documentary screening of "Cooked: Survival by Zip Code" & Panel Discussion with Director Judith Helfand
Fitzgerald Auditorium, Cambridge Rindge and Latin, 459 Broadway
6:30 p.m.
Join director Judith Helfand for a screening of her documentary, Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, which explores how a zip code can be an accurate predictor of life or death during and after natural disasters, especially as we experience the impacts of climate change. A panel discussion featuring Director Judith Helfand, Claude A. Jacob, Chief Public Health Officer for the Cambridge Public Health Department, and Dr. Gaurab Basu, Co-Director, CHA Center for Health Equity Education & Advocacy (CHEEA).
For more information about Climate Preparedness Week and events held throughout Cambridge and neighboring communities, visit https://www.climatecrew.org/2019_events