The approximately one-acre parcel adjacent to Frost Terrace will be designated for new affordable housing.
As a result of a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA), a new solar farm is being built in Illinois and Cambridge will receive credits for making new renewable energy available to the grid.
Iram Farooq, Assistant City Manager of Community Development, is leaving the City to become the Managing Director of Campus Planning at Harvard University.
CDD has completed its annual update to the stock of affordable housing units in the city. There are now 8,931 affordable housing units in the city, a net increase of 340 affordable units from the 2023 total of 8,591 units.
The next Working Group meeting for the Mass Ave Planning Study will focus on zoning for Mass Ave, specifically the areas of North Mass Ave and South of Porter Square. Additionally, the group will discuss the format and content of upcoming community meetings in January focused on design and planning for Porter Square.
The Climate Committee is a volunteer group of community members who work together to provide feedback and ideas to the City on topics related to climate change.
Thanks to an innovative partnership among multiple local institutions and a new wind power project in North Dakota, all of the electricity used by Cambridge city buildings, schools and operations will be 100% carbon neutral starting in 2026.
The Resident Refurbished Bike Program will provide refurbished bicycles to income-qualified Cambridge residents.
The Planning Board is made up of a group of Cambridge residents who make recommendations and decisions about urban development on behalf of the City of Cambridge.
CDD has published an updated version of the Bicycle Facilities GIS layer that includes more user-friendly descriptions of facility types, facility lengths, and when facilities were added.