2021 News
The City of Cambridge has released the Bicycle Plan 2020, and update to the original Bicycle Plan published in 2015.
The City of Cambridge has released a new form that applicants may use to submit a petition to amend the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance.
The City of Cambridge announced that it is partnering with Eversource to help local small businesses reduce their energy costs and impact on the environment.
News item sharing information about Carl Barron Plaza design concept feedback opportunities
Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking volunteers to serve on a new Cambridge Black, Indigenous, People of Color-Owned (BIPOC) Business Advisory Committee. The goal of this group is to work with City staff to develop recommendations on how the City can better assist BIPOC-owned businesses.
The Planning Board reviews proposals for urban development under the special permit provisions of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance and Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws, makes recommendations to the City Council on proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, and engages in general planning related to land use and development in the city.
The Cambridge Clean Heat program helps residents learn about clean heating and cooling solutions and access no-cost technical advice. An informational webinar for residents is scheduled for May 26, at 7pm.
The City of Cambridge has released a new public data application for its regular citywide bicycle counts.
The Community Development Department is pleased to announce the relaunch of the Cambridge Legacy Business Program. Learn more about current legacy businesses and how you can nominate your favorite local businesses.
The Development Log, published quarterly, tracks large-scale residential, commercial and institutional development projects currently in the permitting or construction phases in the City of Cambridge.
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