Switching your energy supply
The City of Cambridge launched the Cambridge Community Electricity program in June 2017 to bring the benefits of renewable energy and electricity choice to its residents and businesses. The program offers Cambridge electricity customers more renewable electricity by creating a new local solar project. Direct Energy is the electricity supplier providing fixed electricity prices from January 2024 through December 2026.
The Cambridge Community Electricity Program offers residents and businesses three electricity options, 100% Green Plus, Standard Green, and Economy Green. All three options are less expensive than Eversource Basic Service Rates through at least July 2024, though future savings cannot be guaranteed as Eversource rates change every six months. All residential and commercial electricity accounts in Cambridge are automatically enrolled in the Standard Green plan unless they have previously opted out of the program. Account holders can change program plans or opt-out of the program at any time.

Switch to 100% Green Plus Today!
Through 100% Green Plus, residents or businesses receive 100% renewable energy and contribute to a new local solar project. To switch options, call our customer service 1-844-379-9934 or visit www.masspowerchoice.com/cambridge/options-pricing/change-your-option. Have your Eversource account number ready to enroll.
Sign up for Community Solar!
Community solar makes it easy for you to access the financial benefits of local solar power. Subscribe to a share of a local solar farm with no equipment to install and no long-term commitments. It doesn’t matter whether you rent or own your home. It’s an effortless way to support clean energy near you – and typically save 5-15% on your annual electricity costs while doing so! Visit https://communitysolar.energysage.com/ to find community solar subscriptions.
Residents can opt-up to 100% Green Plus and sign-up for Community Solar at the same time. 100% Green Plus eliminates the greenhouse gas emissions from your electricity supply while Community Solar helps lower your electricity bill.
For more additional information about the Cambridge Community Electricity Program, visit: masspowerchoice.com/cambridge
Read a full description of the Cambridge Municipal Electricity Aggregation Plan.
Review the Cambridge Community Electricity Program energy mix disclosure label.

Energy Help Line
If you need help understanding your electricity bill, enrolling in Cambridge's renewable energy programs, or getting out of a competitive supplier contract, call 617-430-6230 or schedule a free Utility Bill Check Up.
Other Competitive Electricity Supply
It is possible to choose a competitive electricity supplier to provide your electricity, but the terms and conditions of cancellation depend on the contract you sign with the competitive supplier. Eversource owns the power lines that deliver electricity to your house so they remain your distribution company and continue to bill you. You will simply notice a different supplier (and supply price) on your bill.
Learn more about how competitive supply works on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts website.
While choosing your own competitive electricity supplier is legal, many companies have been deceptive in whom they claim they represent.
If someone comes to your door saying they are from the City of Cambridge or Eversource be very wary and call Eversource and/or the non-emergency police (617-349-3300) to confirm the person's identity. Do not give your electricity account number to anyone unless you intend to make them your electricity supplier. Be very careful of contracts and pricing plans that have low introductory rates that are only guaranteed for a short period of time.
The City of Cambridge offers our Cambridge Community Electricity Program as a safe, cost-effective option that offers our residents and businesses the highest level of consumer protection.
If someone misrepresents themselves as from the City or Eversource please contact the Department of Public Utilities (DPU), the Cambridge Consumer's Council, and Cambridge Energy Planner Meghan Shaw to report their deceptive business practices (contact information below). Try to capture the name of the deceptive company and the name of the deceptive representative.
DPU Consumer Division
Cambridge Consumers Council
Meghan Shaw
Risks of Competitive Supply
We advise residents to thoroughly educate themselves about a competitive supplier before signing a contract.
Many competitive suppliers claim to include renewable energy as part of their energy mix. However, these claims may not always be taken at face value. Often, competitive suppliers promise renewable energy, but may deliver energy that you might not consider renewable, like biomass. Other suppliers provide renewable electricity through RECs (renewable energy certificates) produced by renewable projects that are in areas of the country where renewables are less expensive to build and these projects would be built regardless of whether a consumer buys the RECs. The City of Cambridge recommends purchasing MA Class I RECs to assure you are supporting local, impactful renewable energy development.
As with all consumer products, you should read contracts carefully. Some rates are month-to-month variable, while other rates are fixed for 6 to 12 months. Often a fixed rate reverts to variable rate after six (6) months unless you sign a new fixed rate contract and companies do not have to notify you that the fixed rate term is ending.
The cheapest and most effective way to save money on your energy bills is to invest in energy efficiency, either on your own or using the Mass Save program. Learn more about how to improve your home’s energy efficiency at the Cambridge Energy Alliance website.
For More Information
For more information contact Brad Pillen, bpillen@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4674.
For more information on the City's Community Electricity program, please call our supplier at 844-379-9934 or visit http://masspowerchoice.com/cambridge.