Demographics and Statistics FAQ

The demographics and statistics data on this FAQ page are drawn from various data sources. U.S. Census Bureau data sources include Decennial Census of Population and Housing, the American Community Survey, and Population and Housing Unit Estimates. Other data sources include employment data from the MA Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development’s Department of Economic Research, vehicle data from the MA Department of Transportation, income data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, rental data from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and other custom analyses produced by the City of Cambridge Community Development Department.        

What is the population of Cambridge?

City of Cambridge population counts and estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau:

  • 2020 decennial census population count: 118,403
  • 2019–2023 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year population estimate: 117,794
  • 2023 ACS 1-year population estimate: 118,208
  • 2023 Population and Housing Unit Estimates Program population estimate (as of July 1, 2023): 118,214

How racially and ethnically diverse is Cambridge?

Self-reported race of Cambridge residents from the 2020 decennial census:

  • White alone: 57.3%
  • Asian alone: 19.2%
  • Black or African American alone: 10.6% 
  • American Indian and Alaska Native alone: 0.2% 
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone: 0.05%
  • Some Other Race alone: 3.4%
  • Population of two or more races: 9.2%

Self-reported Hispanic or Latino origin from the 2020 decennial census:

  • Hispanic or Latino: 9.1%
  • Not Hispanic or Latino: 90.9%

Race and Hispanic or Latino origin are asked as separate questions in the decennial census. People of Hispanic or Latino origin can be of any racial background.

How many households are there in Cambridge?

A household includes all the people who occupy a housing unit, whether related or unrelated. Households may be family households or non-family households. Family households include at least two persons (one of whom is the householder) who are related by birth, marriage or adoption, but may also include additional unrelated people. Non-family households include groups of unrelated people living together or one person living alone. 

City of Cambridge household counts and estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau:

  • 2020 decennial census household count: 49,564, of which 20,257 (40.8%) are family households
  • 2019–2023 ACS 5-year household count estimate: 49,592, of which 19,680 (39.7%) are family households

What is the average size of Cambridge households and families?

Average household size is obtained by dividing the number of people in households by the total number of households.

Average family size is obtained by dividing the number of members of families by the total number of families. All people in a household who are related to the householder are regarded as members of their family. Any unrelated people living in family households are excluded from the average family size calculation.

Average size of Cambridge households:

  • 2019-2023 ACS: 2.06

Average size of Cambridge families:

  • 2019–2023 ACS: 2.81

How many Cambridge residents reside in group quarters?

Residents of group quarters include all persons residing in dormitories, hospitals, nursing homes, jails and group homes. 

City of Cambridge group quarter population count from the 2020 decennial census:

  • 16,550 persons, or 14.0% of the total population
    • College/university student housing: 15,437 (93.3% of the group quarter population)
    • Other non-institutional facilities: 944
    • Other institutional facilities: 169

The 2024 Town Gown Reports filed by four higher education institutions in Cambridge (Lesley, Harvard, Hult and MIT) reported 14,456 Cambridge-based dormitory residents.

How densely populated is Cambridge?

City of Cambridge density estimates based on the population and housing unit estimates from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • 18,434 persons per square mile (or 28.8 persons per acre)
  • 8,546 housing units per square mile (or 13.3 housing units per acre)

These calculations are based on a land area for Cambridge of 6.39 square miles (or 4092 acres) in the 2020 TIGER/Line shapefile published by the U.S. Census Bureau.

How highly educated are Cambridge residents?

Highest education level of Cambridge residents over 25 years of age based on the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher: 80.2%
  • Associate degree or some college but no degree: 9.5%
  • High school diploma or equivalent: 6.0%
  • Less than a high school diploma: 4.3% 

How many Cambridge residents are current college or graduate students?

Cambridge residents who are enrolled in college or graduate school, based on the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • 28,418 (or 24.1% of the total population)

Student population data from the 2024 Annual Town Gown Reports (which covers students attending Lesley, Harvard, Hult and MIT):

  • Total student population, regardless of where they live:
    • 14,264 undergraduates
    • 21,025 graduate students
  • Students who live in Cambridge in institutional housing or off-campus:
    • 12,106 undergraduates
    • 12,376 graduate students

How many Cambridge residents were born in a foreign country?

Foreign-born status and naturalization status of Cambridge residents from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • Born in a foreign country (excludes U.S. citizens born abroad of American parent(s)): 33,920 (or 28.8% of the total population)
  • Naturalized citizens: 13,691 (or 11.6% of the total population)

What languages, other than English, are most often spoken in Cambridge homes?

Percent of the population who speak languages other than English at home from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • Spanish: 6.1%
  • Chinese: 4.1%
  • Mandarin: 2.1%
  • Amharic: 1.8%
  • Korean: 1.6%
  • Hindi: 1.5%
  • Portuguese: 1.4%
  • French: 1.3%
  • Haitian: 1.3%
  • Arabic: 1.2%
  • German: 1.0%

Additional languages that are spoken by less than 1% of the population are not shown above.

What is the median income of Cambridge households and families?

Income of Cambridge households and families in the past 12 months in 2023 inflation-adjusted dollars, from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • Median household income: $126,469
  • Median family income: $167,993

What is the poverty rate in Cambridge?

Percent of persons/families with incomes below the poverty line based on the 2019-2013 ACS:

  • All persons: 12.4%
    • Persons under 18: 14.2%
    • Persons 65 and older: 10.2%
  • All families: 7.2%
    • Families with related children (under 18 years) of the householder: 11.8%
    • Families with a female householder, no spouse present and related children (under 18 years) of the householder: 32.2%

How many vehicles are registered in Cambridge?

From the MA Department of Transportation vehicle census:

  • Number of vehicles registered in Cambridge as of Jan 1, 2025: 43,860
    • Vehicles for passenger use: 41,823
    • Vehicles that are fully electric, plug-in electric, or hybrid: 7,286

How many housing units are found in Cambridge? How many are affordable?

Cambridge housing unit counts and estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau:

  • 2020 decennial census housing unit count: 53,907
  • 2019–2023 ACS 5-year housing unit estimate: 54,612
  • 2023 ACS 1-year housing unit estimate: 55,678

The Cambridge Community Development Department (CDD) also compiles its own inventory of housing units, including designated affordable units, across the city. The CDD inventory is not comparable to the U.S. Census Bureau counts because the CDD inventory includes apartment-style graduate student housing and permitted units under construction that are excluded by census counts. Affordable units are all rental and homeownership units subject to long-term rent or sale price restrictions and income-eligibility restrictions. 

Cambridge housing units under construction or completed as of June 30, 2024, based on CDD inventory:

  • 58,170 total units, of which 8,931 (15.4%) are affordable

How many Cambridge units are rented and how many are owner occupied?

Tenure estimates based on the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • 32,874 of 49,592 occupied housing units (66.3%) are renter-occupied
  • 16,718 of 49,592 occupied housing units (33.7%) are owner-occupied

What is the mix of Cambridge residential building types?

From the Cambridge Community Development Department (CDD) inventory of housing units under construction or completed as of June 30, 2024:

  • Percentage of citywide dwelling units in residential properties with:
    • 1 unit (i.e. single-family home): 6.5%
    • 2 units: 12.1%
    • 3 units: 10.6%
    • 4-6 units: 8.8%
    • 7-12 units: 5.0%
    • 13-25 units: 5.7%
    • 26-50 units: 7.7%
    • 51-100 units: 10.3%
    • Over 100 units: 33.1%
  • Percentage of citywide dwelling units that are condominiums: 26.8%
  • Percentage of citywide dwelling units that are located in mixed use buildings: 15.4%

How much does it cost to buy a home in Cambridge?

2023 median market rate sale price, based on arm’s length, market rate sales records filed at the South Middlesex Registry of Deeds and analyzed by the City of Cambridge Assessing Office:

  • Single-family home: $1,795,000
  • Two-family home: $1,625,000
  • Three-family home: $1,972,500
  • Condominium: $885,000

How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Cambridge?

2024 Q3 monthly median asking rents for Cambridge apartments, based on a survey of online rental listings undertaken by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council:

  • 0-bedroom unit (studio): $2,300
  • 1-bedroom unit: $2,700  
  • 2-bedroom unit: $3,315
  • 3-bedroom unit: $4,100

This data is limited to asking rents for market rate units and does not include affordable housing or university-controlled properties.

How many people work in Cambridge?

Number of people who work in Cambridge based on the ACS:

  • 2019-2023 5-year ACS: 134,450
  • 2023 1-year ACS: 149,177

Average monthly number of employees in Cambridge covered by federal and state unemployment compensation law in 2023, based on data collected by the MA Department of Economic Research:

  • 151,959 (this figure does not include self-employed persons or sole proprietors)

These data represent persons who work in Cambridge, not employed city residents.


What are the predominant industries in Cambridge?

From data collected by the MA Department of Economic Research on employees in Cambridge covered by federal and state unemployment compensation law in 2023:

  • Percentage of employees in the following Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) industry super-sectors:
    • Professional and business services: 43.0%
    • Education and health services: 28.9%
    • Information: 7.5%
    • Leisure and hospitality: 6.3%
    • Trade, transportation and utilities: 6.2%
    • Financial services: 2.6%

Additional sectors that employed less than 2% of the employee total are not shown above.

How many business are located in Cambridge?

Average monthly number of establishments (business locations) in Cambridge paying unemployment tax for employees in Cambridge in 2023, based on data collected by the MA Department of Economic Research:

  • 5,595 establishments (this figure does not include self-employed persons)

Number of Cambridge residents 16 years and over who are self-employed in their own unincorporated business or are an unpaid family worker, from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • 2,999 persons

Number of Cambridge residents 16 years and over who are self-employed in their own incorporated business, from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • 1,466 persons

What is the average annual wage in Cambridge?

Average annual wage for a full-time job for employees who work in Cambridge and who are covered by federal and state unemployment compensation law in 2023, based on data collected by the MA Department of Economic Research:

  • $162,968 

Median annual earnings for a full-time, year-round civilian worker with earnings aged 16 years and over who resides in Cambridge, from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • $95,787

What are the predominant occupations of Cambridge residents?

Number and percentage of Cambridge residents 16 years and over in the following civilian occupation groups from the 2019-2023 ACS:

  • Management, business, science, and arts occupations: 55,421 (78.7%)
    • Computer, engineering, and science occupations: 18,964 (26.9%)
    • Education, legal, community service, arts, and media occupations: 17,153 (24.4%)
    • Management, business, and financial occupations: 15,589 (22.1%)
  • Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations: 3,715 (5.3%) 
  • Sales and office occupations: 6,856 (9.7%)
  • Service occupations: 4,862 (6.9%)
  • Production, transportation, and material moving occupations: 2,198 (3.1%)
  • Natural resources, construction and maintenance occupations: 1,068 (1.5%)

What is the unemployment rate of Cambridge residents?

Unemployment rate in Cambridge in November 2024 (not seasonally adjusted), based on data from the MA Department of Economic Research:

  • 3.2%

What is the daytime population of Cambridge?

Estimated daytime population of Cambridge in 2024, based on Cambridge Community Development Department analysis:

  • 203,000

This figure includes Cambridge residents who work in Cambridge or do not work, persons who work here during the daytime and live elsewhere, and college and graduate students who attend school in Cambridge but do not reside in Cambridge. This figure does not include persons visiting Cambridge to conduct business or for recreation or persons passing through Cambridge on the way to another destination.


Where should I go to find more data or create my own maps?

Visit Other Data Sources or Mapping Tools for more information about how to conduct your own analysis. 

For mapping data for use with GIS software visit the City's GIS Data page.

To find more data from the American Community Survey or the Decennial Census visit the U. S. Census Bureau's website.

For More Information

For more information about socioeconomic and demographic statistics about Cambridge, please contact Scott Walker, Senior Manager for Data Services, at or 617-349-9462.