Harvard Square Advisory Committee Vacancies

7/10/20246 months ago

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang is seeking volunteers to serve on the Harvard Square Advisory Committee. All interested individuals are encouraged submit an application with a letter explaining why you are interested in volunteering on the Committee. The application deadline is Monday, August 12, 2024.

What is the Harvard Square Advisory Committee?

The Harvard Square Advisory Committee (HSAC) is a group of community members with direct relationships to Harvard Square, who review development proposals and planning projects that impact Harvard Square. The Havard Square Overlay District (Article 20.50 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance) established the Advisory Committee. HSAC provides an additional level of review for development projects in Harvard Square.

There are 11 members of the committee. Members meeting any of the following qualifications are encouraged to apply:

  • Architects, attorneys who specialize in zoning, urban planners, architectural historians, or landscape architects;
  • Operators of local or independent businesses within the Harvard Square Overlay District;
  • Owners of commercial property within the Harvard Square Overlay District;
  • Residents living within a half-mile of the Harvard Square Overlay District;
  • Members representing the Harvard Square Neighborhood Association or a neighborhood group representing Harvard Square, institutions owning institutional property in the Harvard Square Overlay District, and the Cambridge Historical Commission.

What is the role of the Harvard Square Advisory Committee?

The Harvard Square Advisory Committee comments on development proposals in Harvard Square. These proposals include new buildings and new uses for existing buildings.

Specifically, the committee conducts Large Project Review consultations and comments on applications for variances and special permits from the Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeal (BZA), as well as other proposals. The Committee may additionally comment on any preliminary proposal for which any public agency or private interest has planned for the Overlay.

What kind of skills and abilities do you need to effectively serve on the Harvard Square Advisory Committee?

It is important to have an interest and enthusiasm for learning about urban development and community engagement, and how they shape the Harvard Square community. Successful members of the Committee will be able to:

  • Engage with many aspects of urban planning, including urban design, transportation, housing, infrastructure planning, public space, community engagement and others;
  • Listen to people from diverse backgrounds and consider different points of view;
  • Collaborate and build consensus with a group of people;
  • Consider how projects might contribute the quality of life in Harvard Square.

Additionally, the City of Cambridge is committed to advancing a culture of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. All HSAC members must have the ability to work and interact effectively with individuals and groups with a variety of identities, cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies. Women, minorities, veterans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Who can apply to serve on the Harvard Square Advisory Committee?

Currently, there is one (1) vacant position needing to be filled and ten (10) serving members with expiring or expired terms needing to be newly filled or reappointed. People who meet one of the following qualifications are sought for this committee at this moment:

  • At least two (2) members having recognized qualification as an architect, attorney who specializes in zoning, urban planner, architectural historian, or landscape architect.
  • One (1) member who operates a non-formula business within the Harvard Square Overlay District.
  • One (1) member owning commercial property within the Harvard Square Overlay District.
  • Four (1) residents living within a half mile of the Harvard Square Overlay.
  • One (1) member representing the Harvard Square Neighborhood Association or Neighborhood group representing Harvard Square.
  • One (1) member representing an institution owning institutional property in the Harvard Square Overlay District.
  • One (1) member representing the Cambridge Historical Commission.

When does the Central Square Advisory Committee meet? How much of a time commitment is needed to serve on this Committee? How long do members serve on the Committee?

The Committee meets as needed on the third Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Meetings are currently being held through a hybrid in-person and Zoom format. The in-person meeting is held in the City Hall Annex 2nd floor conference room at 344 Broadway. Meetings generally last approximately two hours.

Meeting materials about development projects will be provided at least five days prior to the meeting date for the committee members to familiarize themselves with the projects. Members usually spend an hour reviewing materials before meetings.

Committee members are typically appointed for terms of three (3) years each, although some appointments may be one (1) year or two (2) years to facilitate a staggered appointment schedule.

How can I Apply to Serve on the Harvard Square Advisory Committee?

Applications to serve on this Committee can be submitted using the City of Cambridge’s online application system at Cambridgema.gov/apply.

With your application, include a letter explaining why you are interested in volunteering on the Committee and a description of your relevant experience, background, and unique perspective on Harvard Square. The City of Cambridge welcomes applicants with a diversity of experiences and perspectives, and values those with a desire to positively shape the future of Central Square.

The application deadline is Monday, August 12, 2024.

Existing members of the Harvard Square Advisory Committee seeking reappointment are requested to submit a letter of interest and updated relevant experience to City of Cambridge staff by the above application deadline.

Required Application Materials:

  • Digital application form submitted through the City of Cambridge’s online application system at Cambridgema.gov/apply. Requested information may include your name, address, contact information, occupation, work and education experience.
  • Letter of Interest (attached with above digital application)

For more information about the Committee, contact Mason Wells at mwells@cambridgema.gov or visit the Harvard Square Advisory Committee webpage.


Map of the Harvard Square Overlay District

Harvard Square Overlay District Zoning

Instructions for how to apply for the Harvard Square Advisory Committee