2016 News
Thinking about starting a business? Apply to our 10-week business planning course!
Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs on Monday, November 14 at the Cambridge Library
The Development Log, published quarterly, tracks large-scale residential and commercial development projects currently in the permitting or construction phases in the City of Cambridge.
Join us to view designs for new parks in eastern Cambridge
Members of the Cambridge Compact for a Sustainable Future recently approved the adoption of the Compact’s new strategic plan, concluding an eight-month strategic planning process.
The City of Cambridge is seeking volunteers to serve on four, newly formed Envision Cambridge Working Groups on Housing, Climate and Environment, Economic Development, and Transportation.
Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs on Thursday November 3 at the North Cambridge Senior Center
Traffic Notice due to Oktoberfest and Honk Parade.
Come to an informal session to learn about the City's Affordable Rental and Homeownership Programs on Monday October 17 at the City Hall Annex
An easy paced two-hour, 12 mile community bike ride tracing the bow-tie shaped boundaries of the city
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