Wellington-Harrington Action Plan

What Does an Action Plan Mean for Wellington-Harrington?
It has been 13 years since the last neighborhood plan was done for Wellington-Harrington. A lot has changed since then! The Wellington-Harrington Action Plan is all about hearing from you - what you value most about your neighborhood and what ideas you have to make it better. Throughout 2023 there will be many opportunities to share your thoughts with City staff and your neighbors. Sign up for the Wellington-Harrington mailing list below or keep an eye on this web page for more information on ways to be involved!

Latest Updates
What Do You Think of the Draft Plan?
Throughout 2023 we worked with the community to craft a list of 28 actions that help improve day-to-day life in Wellington-Harrington. The actions in this draft final plan address community priorities such as parks and open space, mobility, and local businesses.
Please review the plan and let us know what you think is missing, or what parts you think are important.
Share Your Ideas With Us Online!
Office Hours
Sign up for virtual office hours to chat one-on-one with your neighborhood planner, Lev McCarthy.
Engagement Updates & Meeting Materials
Pop Ups in Inman Square and the Valente Branch Library (April 2023)
Online Idea Map (April - July 2023)
190+ ideas collected
Focus Groups (May 2023)
Three focus groups with people from Chinese-speaking, Arabic-speaking, Amharic-speaking, Bangla-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and American-born Black communities. Groups were a collaboration with the Community Development Department's Community Engagement Team (CET@CDD).
First Community Meeting (June 21, 2023)
First Community Meeting Presentation Slides (PDF)
First Community Meeting Video Recording - Passcode: NPI_WH_M1
Pop-Ins at Neighborhood Groups (June - August 2023)
Inman Square Apartments residents
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS) Senior Center visitors
Neighborhood Goals Survey (July - September 2023)
164 responses
Second Community Meeting (September 13, 2023)
Second Community Meeting Presentation Slides (PDF)
Second Community Meeting Video Recording - Passcode: NPI_WH_M2
What Other Neighborhoods Are Doing Action Plans in 2023?

The City is working on action plans for three neighborhoods every year. If your neighborhood isn't currently active, it will be soon! Visit the Neighborhood Planning Initiative webpage to learn more about the process, timeline, and ways to engage.
Where Can I Learn More About My Neighborhood?
For More Information
For more information contact Neighborhood Planner Lev McCarthy at lmccarthy@cambridgema.gov or 617-349-9164.