The Community Development Department is the planning agency for the City of Cambridge.

The Community Development Department is the planning agency for the City of Cambridge. Our mission is to foster a livable, sustainable, just, and equitable community. We work to enhance the character and diversity of the city's neighborhoods, preserve and increase affordable housing, create and promote accessible and sustainable mobility, build environmental resilience, and support sustainable economic growth. Through these initiatives, we strive to enrich the lives of residents, expand their opportunities, and contribute to a healthy urban environment. CDD takes an interdisciplinary approach to manage and guide evolution of our urban environment in a manner consistent with the City’s priorities. We engage and collaborate with community partners, other government agencies, businesses and residents to make Cambridge a desirable place to live, work, learn, play, and innovate. Learn more about the Department.


News and Announcements

  • New Development Log Available - 2024 Q4

    Review the latest version of the Cambridge Development Log

  • Construction Starts on Greater Cambridge Energy Program, Including Only Underground Substation of its Kind in the U.S.

    Eversource, City Officials and other representatives today broke ground on construction of the Greater Cambridge Energy Program (GCEP), a first-of-its-kind transmission initiative to address the increased electric demand in the region,

  • Mass Ave Planning Study - A Focus on Porter Square

    Porter Square Community Meeting - A Focus on Porter Square - January 30, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Join us for a virtual Community Meeting as part of the Mass Ave Planning Study (MAPS) to review and provide feedback on alternative ideas for the future of Porter Square! This is your opportunity to weigh in on potential updates, including zoning changes, urban design concepts, and open space improvements.

  • Key Information on Multifamily Housing Zoning

    Looking to learn more about multifamily housing and zoning? Visit the Community Development Department's dedicated website to review important information, past presentations, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), find upcoming meetings, and sign up for updates to proposed changes.

  • Doing Business with the City Workshop Series

    As part of the City’s Supplier Diversity Program, the Community Development and Purchasing Departments are hosting a three-part workshop series for business owners who are interested in learning more about the City’s procurement process. Workshops are aimed at demystifying the procurement process for business owners in three sections – small contracts, invitations to bid and written quotes, and request for proposals. Businesses are encouraged to come to one or all the workshops.

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