Other Housing Providers

In addition to housing made available through the City’s Community Development Department, there are other ways to access affordable housing in Cambridge.

The list below outlines the other affordable housing providers in Cambridge including public agencies, non-profits, and private owners. Each of these providers has a separate and specific application process. Please contact the individual housing providers for more information on the housing they offer.

Cambridge Housing Authority

The Cambridge Housing Authority (CHA) develops, owns, and manages public housing in Cambridge, including housing for low-income families, seniors, and disabled individuals. The CHA also provides tenant-based Section 8 rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher program. The CHA is an independent public agency, separate from the City. 

Cambridge Housing Authority
362 Green Street, 3rd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://cambridge-housing.org/
Phone: (617) 864-3020

To apply for CHA housing, please visit the CHA's website at https://cambridge-housing.org/applicants/ and consult their online application at: https://cha.apply4housing.com/.

Capstone Communities/Hope Enterprises

Capstone Communities and Hope Enterprises are private developers who have partnered with the City on creating two 100% affordable housing properties in Cambridge: Port Landing at 131 Harvard Street and Frost Terrace Apartments at 1789-1791 Massachusetts Avenue. Both properties are currently managed by Peabody Properties.

Capstone Communities
831 Beacon Street #164
Newton, MA 02459
Website: https://capstonecommunities.com/ 
Phone: (617) 539-6492
Email: info@capstonecommunities.com 

To apply for rental housing at Port Landing, please contact:
Website: https://www.portlandingapts.com/ 
Phone: (617) 945-7531
Email: info@portlandingapts.com

To apply for rental housing at Frost Terrace, please contact:
Website: https://www.frostterapts.com/ 
Phone: (617) 945-7531
Email: info@frostterapts.com

Homeowner's Rehab, Inc.

Homeowner's Rehab, Inc. (HRI) is a Cambridge-based non-profit affordable housing development organization that develops, owns, and manages affordable housing, including housing for families, seniors, and individuals. HRI also provides a range of services for residents including financial and technical assistance for low- to moderate-income homeowners or aspiring homeowners, hoarding intervention support in partnership with Metro Housing Boston, and monthly community breakfasts for youth ages five and up. Rental housing owned by HRI is managed by Wingate Management. 

HRI also now oversees housing previously managed by Cascap, Inc., an affordable housing provider that specializes in housing tenants with special needs. Housing owned by Cascap is also managed by Wingate Communities.

Homeowner's Rehab, Inc.
280 Franklin Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://www.homeownersrehab.org/
Phone: (617) 868-4858
Email: info@homeownersrehab.org

To apply for rental housing owned by HRI, please contact Wingate Management at (617) 491-5466 or cchi@wingatecompanies.com. 

To apply for Cascap housing, please consult the Cascap’s online application at: https://cascap.org/index.php/applicants/.

Just A Start Corporation

Just A Start Corporation (JAS) is a Cambridge-based non-profit affordable housing organization that develops, owns, and manages affordable housing, including housing for families, seniors, and individuals. JAS also offers a wide variety of programs and services to help people access stable housing and build pathways to economic opportunities, including job training for youth and adults, emergency eviction assistance and mediation support, and technical and financial assistance with home repairs and renovations

Just A Start Corporation
430 Rindge Avenue, Suite #301
Cambridge, MA 02140
Website: https://justastart.org/
Phone: (617) 494-0444

Rental housing owned by JAS is managed by Maloney Properties Inc. with the exception of one property, Rindge Towers, which is managed by Wingate Companies. See the full list of JAS properties here: https://justastart.org/housing/affordable-housing/.

To apply for JAS rental housing at Rindge Towers or Rindge Commons North, located at 402 Rindge Avenue and 432 Rindge Avenue, respectively, please contact Wingate Companies at (617) 876-5855 or 402Rindge@wingatecompanies.com.

To apply for JAS rental housing at Squirrel Brand or Linwood Court, please contact Maloney Properties, Inc. at (617) 209-5439.

To apply for all other rental housing owned by JAS, please contact Maloney Properties, Inc. at (617) 661-7190 or jas@maloneyproperties.com. 

Heading Home, Inc.

Heading Home is a non-profit provider of emergency shelter, permanent supportive housing, and transitional housing for individuals and families currently or formerly experiencing homelessness. For families or adult individuals seeking emergency housing or shelter, please visit here. Heading Home also runs Pathways to Permanent Housing (PPH), which is a two-year, incentive-based transitional housing program that assists families transition from shelters to financial and housing independence. PPH is only available to current Heading Home families at the recommendation of their case manager.

Heading Home, Inc.
186 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Website: https://www.headinghomeinc.org/
Phone: (617) 864-8140
Email: Info@headinghomeinc.org

Caritas Communities/Central House/YMCA

Caritas Communities is a non-profit organization that operates in the Greater Boston area and provides permanent housing, services, and opportunities to very-low-income individuals. They own Central House in Cambridge, formerly the YMCA, which provides single-room occupancy (SRO) units for men. Applications for housing at Central House/YMCA are processed through the CHA. 

Caritas Communities
25 Braintree Hill Road, Suite #206
Braintree, MA 02184
Website: https://caritascommunities.org/
Phone: (781) 843-1242
Email: info@caritascommunities.org

To apply for housing at Central House/YMCA, located at 820 Massachusetts Avenue, please refer to CHA’s information on SROs at: https://cambridge-housing.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/SRO-Program-2023.pdf. For more information on how to apply, please visit CHA’s website: https://cambridge-housing.org/applicants/.

Cambridge YWCA

The Cambridge YWCA is a social services organization focused on empowering women and families. They offer a number of programs related to youth leadership, racial and social justice advocacy, and health and wellness. They also provide 103 single-room occupancy (SRO) units for single women at the Tanner Residence in Cambridge and operates a small emergency shelter for homeless families at Ranae’s Place. Applications for housing at the Tanner Residence are processed through the CHA.

YWCA of Cambridge
7 Temple Place
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://ywcacam.org/
Phone: (617) 491-6050

To apply for housing at YWCA, please refer to CHA's information on SROs at: https://cambridge-housing.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/SRO-Program-2023.pdf. For more information on how to apply, please visit CHA's website: https://cambridge-housing.org/applicants/.

Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)

Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH) is a Boston-based non-profit housing organization that specializes in preserving existing affordable housing and developing new affordable housing. POAH owns and manages one affordable housing development in Cambridge, Briston Arms Apartments. 

Preservation of Affordable Housing
2 Oliver Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02109
Website: https://www.poah.org/
Phone: (617) 261-9898
Email: info@poah.org 

To apply for housing at Briston Arms, please contact Briston Arms at (617) 868-2400 or visit their website at http://www.bristonarms-apts.com.

Cambridge Court Apartments

Located at 411 Franklin Street, Cambridge Court Apartments is a privately-owned affordable senior housing development. Cambridge Court is owned and managed by Alcourt Management.

Cambridge Court Apartments
411 Franklin Street, Suite G6
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://www.cambridgecourtapartments.net/
Phone: (617) 497-6220

To apply for housing at Cambridge Court Apartments, interested applicants must first complete a pre-application on the CHA website: https://cha.apply4housing.com/. On the Pre-Application page, in the Open Lists box, check: HCV (Project-Based) Elderly/Disabled then select the waitlist for Cambridge Court.

Fresh Pond Apartments

Located at 362 and 364 Rindge Ave, Fresh Pond Apartment is a 504-unit affordable rental development owned and managed by Schochet Companies. 

Fresh Pond Apartments
384 Rindge Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
Website: https://www.freshpondapartments.com/
Phone: (617) 492-6650

To apply for housing at Fresh Pond Apartments, please call the number listed above. 

Neville Place

Neville Place is a 73-unit assisted living facility located near the Fresh Pond rotary in Cambridge. They offer two types of assisted living: enriching assisted living lifestyle for seniors who are mostly independent but may need some support, and holistic treatment for those with Alzheimer’s. Neville Communities is managed by Landmark Management Solutions. 

Neville Place at Fresh Pond
640 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
Website: https://www.seniorlivingresidences.com/communities/cambridge-neville-place/ 
Phone: (617) 497-0600

To apply for housing at Neville Place, please call the number listed above. 

Walden Square Apartments

Walden Square Apartments is an affordable housing development located at 21 Walden Square Road in North Cambridge. There are currently 240 affordable housing rental units on site. Walden Square Apartments is owned and managed by WinnCompanies. 

Walden Square Apartments 
21 Walden Square Road
Cambridge, MA 02140
Website: https://www.livewaldensquare.com/
Phone: (617) 492-3020

To apply for housing at Walden Square Apartments, please call the number listed above. 


Other Affordable Housing Opportunities:

The following list consists of privately-owned rental housing properties which includes apartments set aside for low and moderate-income families and individuals. To apply for these affordable housing units or for more information, call the property management company or visit the websites linked below.

Please note that these units are different than Cambridge’s Inclusionary units. Interested inclusionary renters can find more information here: https://www.cambridgema.gov/CDD/housing/inclusionaryhousing.

Church Corner

Equity Residential
10 Magazine Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://www.equityapartments.com/boston/central-square/church-corner-apartments
Phone: (617) 648-4908 

929 House

Equity Residential
929 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://www.equityapartments.com/boston/central-square/929-mass-apartments
Phone: (617) 648-4876

Kennedy Biscuit Lofts

129 Franklin Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://rent.brookfieldproperties.com/properties/kbl.html
Phone: (888) 375-2930

100 Lansdowne

100 Lansdowne Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://rent.brookfieldproperties.com/properties/100.html
Phone: (833) 573-2029

University Park

91 Sidney Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Website: https://rent.brookfieldproperties.com/collections/university-park.html
Phone: (855) 327-4966