Zoning for Multifamily Housing
The Cambridge City Council is discussing proposed changes to allow multifamily housing in all city neighborhoods.
The proposal has these main goals:
Allow multifamily housing (such as apartments and condos) in all neighborhoods of the city.
Promote more multi-family housing, including income-restricted affordable housing (through inclusionary program), throughout the city.
Remove other requirements that make it more difficult to build multifamily housing, such as minimum lot sizes, limits on the number of housing units and amount of floor area.
Continue to encourage the creation of permanently affordable housing through the inclusionary housing requirements and Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO).
Check this web page for information as the process continues.
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Important Updates to the Proposal
At the January 16, 2025 Ordinance Committee Meeting, the Council made amendments to the original zoning petitions, including:
Reducing base zoning height limit in the Residence C-1 district from six stories (as originally proposed) to four stories, with up to six stories allowed only for inclusionary housing developments with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet
Adding minimum five-foot side and rear yard setbacks in all residential districts, with some exceptions
Reducing the height limit allowed under the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) to nine stories in the Res. C-1 district
The Ordinance Committee referred the amended petitions to the full Council with a favorable recommendation on January 16. The full City Council will consider passing the amended petitions to a second reading on January 27, 2025, which would lead to a possible final vote on February 10, 2025. At that time, the Council could vote to adopt the petitions. If no action is taken by that time, the petitions could be refiled for more hearings and consideration. See details of upcoming Council meetings below.
Materials from January 16, 2025 Ordinance Committee Meeting:
Materials Before January 2025:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Thank you to everyone who has submitted questions and comments so far.
We have organized and responded to many of your questions in this FAQ document.
The questions were gathered from community meetings, public hearings, and comments emailed to City Councilors and the Community Development Department. We have attempted to organize the questions into categories, and questions that are similar have been consolidated to avoid repetition.
Read the FAQ
Please send written comments to the City Council (via the City Clerk) at CityClerk@cambridgema.gov to be considered at the meetings listed below.