Zoning Amendments

This page lists all amendments to the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance currently under consideration. Past zoning amendments can be found on the Adopted Zoning Amendments or Past Zoning Amendments Not Adopted webpages, depending on the final action taken by the City Council. Electronic versions of some documents relevant to the proposed amendments are also provided on these webpages. Not all documents are available electronically at this time.

PLEASE NOTE: These online documents are provided for reference and convenience only. The print versions of the referenced documents, along with any amendments that may have been made subsequent to the most recent update to the print versions, remain the official versions. If any discrepancies exist between the documents on file at the Office of the City Clerk and the electronic documents available on this site, the print versions shall be considered correct. The documents listed on this web page do not necessarily constitute a full public record.

Amendments Under Consideration

The following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance are currently under official consideration by the City Council and Planning Board. The public hearing dates are listed below (TBD = "to be determined"). 


Petition Name Key Documents Referral Date Date of Public Hearings Expiration Date 

Ronayne et al.

(APP 2024 #14)

 Petition Text

•Planning Board Hearing Notice - May 21, 2024

CDD Memo - May 16, 2024

April 8, 2024

Planning Board:
May 21, 2024

Ordinance Committee:
May 28. 2024

August 26, 2024 

Griffin Sheperd et. al.

(APP 2024 #10)

• Petition Text

Planning Board Report - May 14, 2024

Planning Board Hearing Notice - May 7, 2024

Legal Opinion - April 22, 2024

March 25, 2024 

Planning Board:
May 7, 2024

Ordinance Committee:
May 21, 2024

August 19, 2024 


Zoning Under Discussion

From time to time, the City considers more general changes to the Zoning Ordinance that are associated with a particular topic or initiative. The following zoning topics are under discussion but do not have a formal zoning petition associated with them:


Explanation of Table Headings

Petition Name

Where a zoning amendment is proposed by Cambridge property owners or registered voters, the amendment is typically named for the petitioner or petitioners. Where a zoning amendment is proposed by the City Council or Planning Board, the amendment is typically named for the subject of the petition itself. If the language “(Refiled)” appears after the name of the petition, it indicates that this petition is one version of a petition that may have been refiled and previously considered by the City Council one or more times. 

Key Documents

Lists documents that may be especially relevant to the petition, including the petition text, memoranda from City staff or other agencies, recommendations from the Planning Board, and/or supplemental information provided by the petitioner or City staff.

PLEASE NOTE: This webpage does not list all submitted documents that pertain to the petition. To view the full public record for a zoning petition, contact the Office of the City Clerk.

Referral Date

Lists the date on which the petition was referred by the City Council to the Planning Board and Ordinance Committee. Both the Planning Board and the Ordinance Committee must hold a public hearing on the petition within 65 days of the referral date.

Dates of Public Hearings

Lists the dates on which public hearings have been scheduled for the Planning Board and the Ordinance Committee. "TBD" is given where a hearing date has not yet been advertised. Sometimes a petition is heard at multiple public hearings of the same body.

Expiration Date

A petition must be acted upon by City Council within 90 days of its filing. If no City Council action is taken before the end of that 90 day period, the petition is placed on file and may not be voted upon unless it is refiled, at which point the City Council could refer the petition to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board for a new set of public hearings. 


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